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Friday, March 26, 2010

Why I Blog For Money

Why do I blog? I will explain my blogging life to those who are constantly snooping on my life through this blog.

This is my first public blog and through my public blogging, I learned that I can make money online in many different ways and one of which is through blogging.

I have different types of blog. Most of my blogs have relevant content that targets specific WORD or keywords. Some advertisers want this type of blog to advertise their products because it targets specific audience which can give them high percentage of sales. Advertisers pay me through my sponsors when I do a review on their products or services. About 100 to 200 words promoting their products and services.....At the same time, through relevant content blog, I can make money through clicks on the advertisement that you can see on my sidebars. This is called Pay Per Click.

This blog is an online diary type of blog where the topic can be anything. It doesn't contain specific content and doesn't target specific audience. So I dont receive that much clicks on the advertisement on the sidebar. However, some advertisers want to advertise on this type of blog because the article is more personal and some people find it more realistic about what they read about certain products or services. Advertisers pay me through my sponsors when I do a review on their products or services. About 100 to 200 words promoting their products and services.

So if you are visiting this blog and wonder why I have to spend time blogging my personal thought on this blog and on my other blog, it is because some advertiser prefer this type of blog. And at the same time, blogging my personal thoughts is a hobby, for your information. Because BLOGGING IS A HOBBY!!

Sharing my thoughts on how to make money online is not to intimidate anyone but to inspire people who are looking for ways to make extra income. Now if you think it is intimidating to read my blog about how I make money online, you always have the choice to get lost and find something more valuable to spend your time with. Because you are not the only people who are reading this blog.

As you can see on the statistic widget, I have numbers of reader for this blog. Not a lot, but there are other readers.

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