I never know that there are so many cash advance or payday loan that you can find on the internet. Maybe it's because payday loan or cash advance can give everybody the money needed for some emergencies and other unforeseen costs before the next paycheck. Application for payday loan can be done inside your house and very easy to apply. Payday Loan Quotes is a Faxless Payday Loans that serves as a link between borrowers and lenders. Payday Loan Quotes will find the lender that is right for you without any charge. However they do not guarantee a match because they compare various lenders and look for the lowest rate available for your financial profile. After submiting the payday loan application, you will be connected with the lenders, and will evaluate your information. If you are pre-approved, they may contact you directly for an additional information to approve your payday loan application. Payday Loan Quotes do their best to find a lender for you, but there's no guarantee that your application will be accepted. You must be at least 18 years of age, working, email address, home phone number, home address, driver's license, social security number, checking account, and one personal reference. Once your payday loan is approved lenders will deposit the loan money the following business day.