But for two weeks now, I was trying to catch some task with Payperpost. A gray bar indicates that the task is available for me but was reserved already. Which means that somebody has taken the task before me. It's crazy because as I was waiting for a new task, 2 or 3 gray bars pop up on my screen for a few seconds of leaving and coming back on my opportunity account. This only shows how many Payperpost members are waiting to grab a task.
The chance for me to do some more task with Payperpost is very slim. I can not sit in front of my computer the whole day waiting for the task to come out on my screen. Although 2 or 3 times, I tried not clossing my Payperpost account window for a couple of hours to wait for the opportunities to pop up, while I do some work on other site from another window. But same thing keeps on happening. On and Off gray bars.
However, still very thankful to be one of Payperpost members and they have many programs to offer for their members. Their Affiliate program is also an interesting way to make money online.