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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Source Of Traffic And Baclinks

The googlebot slows down for a couple of days that's why I noticed a few downfall on my blog traffic especially for my domain site. Entrecard has been a good source of traffic and it has done a tremendious increase of traffic on this blog. Search Engine is slow in crawling new sites and Entrecard has been my domain's source of traffic

But then, I believe that the traffic I am getting from entrecard is not as good as the traffic I am getting from the search engine. That's why I registered my domain and this blog with Squido to get the right traffic and backlinks. I started making lenses on my Squido account to start promoting some of the affiliate products and services. I only have a couple of hours to learn what squido can do to my domain but I can already see it's advantage for affiliate marketing. Membership is free and you can make money as well by joining Squido. Plus the fact that it is a very good source of traffics and backlinks.


Anonymous said...

Thats a cool place!!! I must start making lenses there. I got a good collection of wristwatch information and techniques to photograph jewellery. I am thinking to make some money out that.

Tey said...

yes Mark I just registered with Squido 2 days ago. As you get familiar with the system, you'll get the theory behind Squido. You'll get good backlinks from it. Have good day