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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Need To Sleep Early

I don't think I will be able to do one thing that I planned to do for today because I am running out of time. I want to go to bed early today because I wasn't able to get a good sleep yesterday because of too many phone calls and noises.

I just need to call our new company insurance to know how to submit claims online and to know if the workout DVD and running shoes are covered under our wellness account. I want to make sure these are covered under our plan before I buy them. I will just call them tomorrow.

Anyway, I was able to follow up my order from TKB with regards to the shipping price. I wasn't charged for the shipping and I will usually get a response from them to pay for the shipping. Strange but until now, I haven't got any response from them since I placed the order last weekend.

Oh well, I wanted to watched the new filipino drama but I feel so sleepy already. I will see if I can watch it tomorrow.

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