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Monday, September 26, 2011

Very Annoying!!

I wonder everytime I am posting something very nice and exciting in my life on my facebook, she suddenly keep quiet?... hahahha!! Obviously she is trying to compete. I bet after few days or weeks, she will be posting something similar about what I have just posted...

I also notice one person keeps staring at me... I bet she will try to copy my hairstyle again. It's annoying to notice someone was trying to copy some of your style. Maybe not all, but some of the style that I am trying to be unique at, from the crowd where we are in.

Funny but I adviced my daughter that she she should be happy and take it the positive way when someone is trying to copy her style. I didn't know how annoying it is until I am in this situation... Very annoying!!


Kim, USA said...

Somehow this person is looking up to you. Because you are pretty! ^_^

Tey said...

Thanks Kim.. I hope hope this is the case.. But I dont think so... there is some kind of unhealthy competition around...