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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Expenses For Myself

I bought few things for myself this week. First, I bought this expensive Herbal Medicine to my friend to help me loose weight the healthy way. I don't know what came up to my mind to accept this offer. I guess, I've seen a tremendous result from him which is quite inviting.

Yesterday, as me and my daughter were looking around the mall near our house, I saw this blouse and try it on. The sales lady was so good that she modeled me and show me how to carry this blouse with the stretchable belt. It looks great on me and my daugther encourage me to buy it, so I did.

I was suppose to buy the other blouse that I find interesting for myself but I just changed my mind. And now, I can't get that blouse off my head. I wanted to go back there and buy it. I better stop this expenses for myself. I better stop shopping around so I will have less temptation... lols..

1 comment:

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

You should have bought the blouse of your choice instead of listening to others. You see, buying is an emotional thing, it is a subconscious need created in your mind and you will never be satisfied until you own that thing embedded in your mind. Go back to that store and buy it and have a good sense of satisfaction because you got what you wanted. Entertaining conflicting signals in your mind will leave you unsatisfied or guilty. If your buying will not adversely affect others, why then buy it by all means and be happy about it. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.